Design The Roblox Brookhaven RP Role-Play Character And We Will Reveal Your True Personality
Which of these activities reflects your idea of a perfect morning?
Sleeping in until afternoon
Via The Pals/Youtube
Starting off my day with a delicious breakfast
Via Titi Games/Youtube
Working out, for sure!
Via Gamepur
Going to school and carrying out my responsibilities
Via Roblox
How would you celebrate your perfect birthday?
I'd go on with my usual routine
Via IamSannaToo/Youtube
I'd celebrate alone, people are noisy and messy!
Via Vannies World Full Of Joy/Youtube
I'd invite my friends and family over
Via IamSannaToo/Youtube
I'd throw the best party of the year!
Via ZourChip/Youtube
Pick your dream house!
This luxurious house, surely!
Via Steam Lists
This modern house!
Via Roblox Wiki
This cozy house!
Via Pinterest
This super-fun looking house!
Via Roblox
Would you prefer to role-play as a Superhero or Villain Character?
A superhero, definitely.
Via RobloxTV/Youtube
A villain, it's more fun!
Via RoPoPlayzYoutube
In your ideal future, what do you see yourself doing?
Being a billionare
Via ShanePlays/Youtube
Working at my dream job
Via APXPure/Youtube
Being a parent
Via AxaBella/Youtube
Traveling with friends
Via Arielle/Youtube